Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Morning Walk

I love being by the water. As I sit here by the river only a stone throw from my house I feel at one with nature. I can hear the birds singing and the river running. The sun is shining down lightly on my face. There is a cool breeze and a blue sky.

When I awoke this morning I could feel the glory of the day unfolding. I couldn't wait to get to the river to see the beauty. I didn't even get dressed or comb my hair. I just threw my shoes on and off I went at 7am.

I find myself questioning so many things in life, history and spirit realms as I sit by the river. I'm trying to make sense of all the perceptions of reality. Well I guess I just answered myself, because it's only perceptions after all, there are so many differences of opinions. I need to decide what I believe and stick to it.

okay, i can feel the spirits wanting to share: what say you?

The world is large and out of balance. Famine Divine is needed to balance the earth. Your world is so focused on Male Divine that it remains out of balance.

my question to spirit - "Are you Famine Spirit?" yes and no

We are all one spirit. we speak as one.

my question to spirit - "Why Choose the name Seth to come through me?"
because you chose it. if was the word you needed to know who we are, you are not crazy.

my questions to spirit - "So is the name Seth related to The DaVinci Code movie I watched last night?" yes and no
The movie you watched last night was made by man and mans reality, yes there was a child human named Seth born of Jesus man and Mary woman.

Jesus was a messenger of love as you are. What humans did with the message was their choice. There is no wrong or right. Death is not an ending as you think. Killing Jesus did not end the message. Mary too was a messenger of love, she continued to receive messages after the death of Jesus.

Humans chose to believe what they wish. We do not care so much about what they believe as much as how they feel about things in energy and vibrations. To find balance in a vibrational world you need both sexes male and female.

my question to spirit - "Why does that matter for vibration?"

Because love is the balancer. You need to work and live with love & joy to have happiness and to keep the world evolving and moving forward for the collective consciousness. You need both male and female counter parts.

There is all things you think about in the world. Chose your thoughts wisely.

The past does not serve you now, but your spirit energy has been a healer, teacher for your whole existence. We love you and your continued rebirth and rediscovery of who you are.
Each time you are getting faster and faster with your discovery. we enjoy your unfolding. We play together.

My response - "I'm glad you are finding fun. I'm grateful to have found you. Now that I've discovered who I am, what role shall I play now?"

You are healer, teacher still. We will show you the way. Now is time for learning and sharpening your skills. You will be much needed soon. The famine divine is needing support, you shall run the movement for all consciousness forward in love.
go now, walk a bit.

So I stopped and went for a refreshing and meditative walk.

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