Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Power of Forgiveness - It's an inside Job

True forgiveness is not about bells and whistles and happy endings. It’s not about demanding another to forgive you or for them to ask for your forgiveness. True forgiveness is something words can only begin to descript.

When the power of forgiveness enters your soul there is no need to do, think, or say anything. When true forgiveness consumes your heart and soul words of the ego are no longer necessary. It’s a beautiful thing.

If you’re asking for forgiveness then you haven’t forgiveness yourself, if you demanding forgiveness from another that you still haven’t forgiven yourself. To me, forgiveness not something to be had, you become healed when you let go of what ills you on the subject. It’s like one day your carry a bag of rocks and your arms start to hurt so you drop the bag of rocks to free your arms. But you walk around complaining about the hurt the bag of rocks caused your arms. Did you really drop the bag of rocks? No. When you drop the bag of rocks lift your arms up in the air and proclaim Alleluia, step over the rocks, and tell no one. Now you truly dropped the bag of rocks. Forgiveness is the same thing.

Since, no one in the universe is responsible for your feelings; but you. How can you forgive another for the feelings you created yourself on the subject? You can’t. You can only forgive yourself. Once you forgive yourself and your self inflicted punishment is dropped like the bag of rocks and you go back to believing your deserving and worthy of love and joy has forgiveness truly happened for you.

The power comes from within. No one ever really needs to forgive another or be forgiven by another; it’s an inside job. If you stay true to whom you are and always speak your truth then forgiveness will never be necessary, because you won’t allow someone else to control your feelings.

Recently, I experienced a perfect example of this truth. I felt that a good friend of my hurt my feelings and instead of confronting her about it or speaking my truth at the time, by saying “hey that just hurt.” I stuffed the feelings down inside my ego, mind, and physical bodies so I could replay the events later really become more and more and more hurt by them. Within days I was no longer talking to her it hurt so much and before I knew it weeks had gone by with me ignoring her all the while replay these events at least once a day. Finally, she confronted me and asked if everything was all right or was I upset about something. At that moment the pain had grown so much I couldn’t control myself and I let it all out in a very hurtful manner. She was stocked. She had no idea those comments she made that day effected me the way they did. How could she I didn’t tell her and she’s not a mind reader. To her she was only kidding around and didn’t mean anything by them and thought I was laughing with her. She now was crying and upset because I made her believe she had hurt me, when in truth I hurt myself. I took these little comments and replayed them in my mind until I created such a large painful movie of events in my mind that the victim (me) was so pained she couldn’t go on. I let this event control my thoughts and feelings for weeks before I lashed out at her in pain. had I just been true to myself at the time and said to her; that hurt. None of this mess would have happened. What a waste of energy. She did apologize to me, but later I prayed on this apology and was thinking to myself “why did she apologize for something she truly didn’t do?

It doesn’t make sense anymore. We walk around demanding forgiveness from others for feelings we created in our own selves. When one asks for forgiveness what does it really mean? And when one forgives what does that mean?Forgiveness to me is an omission of guilt. Guilt is from the feeling of hurting someone else feelings, right or doing something "wrong" in the eyes of another? Well, I had an awakening in consciousness from this event with my friend. Someone else is not responsible for how you feel, so if someone hurts your feelings whose fault is it, really? I'm beginning to believe it's yours or mine in this example.If we fall victim to someone or feel someone has "wronged" us in some way, than it's us feeling bad and feeling lower levels of energy. If we feel "wronged" than it's because we didn't speak OUR TRUTH! not that they hurt us. When you speak your truth there is no such thing as a victim. It wouldn't be allowed. If you allow it, then it's you who should be forgiving yourself.The true power of forgiveness is becoming conscious to this truth. The truth that only the oneself can truly be forgiven and nothing on the outside makes any difference at all.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

If I only have today

If I only have Today

If I only have today
Let your love shine in all things
If I only have today,
Let me witness smiles on all faces
If I only have today,
Let love be my theme
If I only have today,
Let me be giving
For if tomorrow never comes,
I’ll be honored to say I experienced it all today.

If I only have today
Let grace lead me
If I only have today,
Let me help the needy
If I only have today,
Let me hear the birds singing
If I only have today,
Let me speak my truth
For if tomorrow never comes,
It’s okay, because I experienced it all today.

If I only have today
Let my heart be open
If I only have today,
Let me heal & be healing
If I only have today,
Let my love leave a mark
If I only have today,
Let me be remembered for a giving heart
For if tomorrow never comes,
I’ll be forever grateful, that you allowed me to experience it all today.


The Unfolding of "I am" in me

as published in aspire magazine June 08

I sit amongst this unfolding experience I ponder the “I am” in me. I used to think I was all the things I liked and I wasn’t all the things I didn’t like. But as I begin to become continuous of the stillness within me a huge transformation is taking place. I’m finding many times throughout my days that the voice in my head is silent, which is a blessing in and of itself and I’m experiencing stillness in the middle of noise. Collogues and family have inquired if something is wrong with me during these experiences because I’m not reacting to the situations that we were in. When asked, I was shocked because during those moments of stillness I was just being in the moment and didn’t have any thought at all or any opinion about the topic of discussion, which was why they posed the question, but nothing is wrong on the contrary everything is right! The stillness and peace that I’m feeling is so cool and at the same time a little confusing. I’m used to my old story of a fighter, standing up for what I think is right, and making sure everyone knew where I stood on subjects, but now as I embark of this wonderful world of letting go and just being okay with the moments as they present themselves so many insightful things are unfolding. I’m just in awe.
Some insights of who I really am are starting to come forward. I’m beginning to feel the energy in my body. I’m beginning to feel closer to others. Just the other day I was in the store and my goal was to just “be” in the store and to project energy and love as I walked around. I was amazed to see how many people said hello to me and turned to smile at me and at the register the bagger told the cashier not to forget to run the store coupon through for the soup discount for the soup I was buying. All I did was smile at her. I won a free message today too, from a wellness event I attended. It’s all little things but to me they’re big, because of how I feel about them. I feel lighter and freer.
As a part of this transformation and unfolding within me I’ve decided to no longer tell my story of who I am from past experiences. Because I’ve realized that even though those past experiences have brought me to where I am, they are not the “I am” in me. They are not my being and their not important enough at least to the degree that I need to label me as part of them.
Also, I’ve stopped blaming, complaining, and justify situations I’ve created that I’m not pleased with. I’m just going to be in the moment knowing that I created this moment through my own thoughts and if I don’t like the moment than I will change the next moment to be something pleasing, but I’m not going to blame, justify or complain about the moment or every moment there after will be more of the same.
The unfolding that I’m experiencing requires continuous consciousness or awareness about what I’m thinking, feeling, and doing. But like anything the more I do it the easier it becoming.
The glimpses I’ve had of the “I am” in me and power, joy, and love that this “knowing” brings to me makes me so happy to be sharing this moment.
And the biggest blessing that has come forth is my passion for writing and sharing. I love how I feel when I can reduce resistance in others as well as myself. I’m so joyous and I hope this finds you in the same state of being.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Forgiveness? What does it really mean?

When one asks for forgiveness what does it really mean? And when one forgives what does that mean?

Forgiveness to me is an omission of guilt. Guilt is from the feeling of hurting someone else feelings, right? OR.....doing something "wrong" in the eyes of another.

Well now that I'm on this new road of self discovery, I realize that someone else is not responsible for how I feel anyway, so if someone hurts my feelings, who's fault is it, really? I'm beginning to believe it's mine.

If I fall victim to someone or feel someone has "wronged" me in someway, than it's me feeling bad and feeling lower levels of energy. If I feel "wronged" than it's because I didn't speak MY TRUTH! not that they hurt me.

when you speak your truth there is no such thing as a victim. It wouldn't be allowed. If I allow it, than it's I that should be forgiving myself.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I was listening to Zen yesterday morning and I realized how much of my life I'm seeking things. The message I'm receiving is:

Seeking is the damag'er of your physical experience. The process of seeking means your feeling something missing. When you feel the missing of something you're focused on the "not having" so you begin to seek. This process is damaging to your being or essence because, how can you seek what you already have?

You're not lost my child. You are the essence of what you're seeking. Rather than focus on the seeking of what you feel is missing, focus on the feeling of having this missing thing and you'll have it. You see because it's only your perception or awareness of them that brings them into the light for you. they already exist in the here and now.

When you change focus you can see more clearly the truth that you seek.

Thank you!
I feel so blessed to receive messages of love. They are so powerful & I do seek what I feel is missing. I will begin to work on that.

So while practicing this message yesterday afternoon I decided to attempt to "feel" a result of a business transaction that was bothering me and I was again feeling like it wasn't happening. But instead of just thinking about the result I wanted, I "felt" it with my core for about 5Min's. Then I was interrupted by my next appointment...well my phone rang during this appointment but I didn't answer, so as to not be rude.
Upon leaving my appointment I checked my messages and don't-you-know it was the beginning of the result I was looking for. It's amazing how fast that happened. I was smiling from ear to ear with excitement "I did it!!!"

You have to practice this, it's fun. but you can't just "think it" you have to "think and feel it from the core of your being"


Friday, April 25, 2008

New Comer! Hello Everyone

Hi Entrecard Users,

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm really new to this whole blogging thing and I'm really looking forward to hearing your feedback. Any advice you can give me on how to advertise better, display things better or how I can add more great things to my site please feel free to comment or send me feedback.

I really appreciate all your help.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I've been on this long road of self discovery. A long the way many doors and insights have opened for me. I grew up being an abused child, who ran away from home at age 13 years old. I've been to many rehabs and group homes and got my life together in my teenage years and began to live the so called "normal" life. I had my first son at 20 and my second son at 23. I was working as an office manager in FL, and married my childhood crush. We were together 15 years and married for 7. I thought I was breaking the cycle of my family history (which I was in some ways). But looking back I knew there was more to life than the life I was living, so I divorced my husband and moved back home to NH and became a to live as a single mother of two lively boys and again began to struggle for survive, something I realized I was way to used too. But I did it anyway. I worked my way up the corporate ladder thinking I was doing the "right thing" by my sons. I worked 80 hours a week and tried to be a mother and now a newly single person tring to find a new partner. Looking back I realized how crazy this life style really was. The rat race was catching up to me and I was only 27 years old.

Finally, I met my soul mate and now husband of 7 years, which I'm so grateful for. With his support I began to realize my passion was talking to people and writing. I knew I could go no further in the corporate world without a college degree, but I also knew I deserved more. so I became a Realtor two years ago.

Boy, has this opened a whole new world for me. Becoming a Realtor is the best thing I ever did. Not so much for the career, even though that's important too. but mainly because it's forced me to begin this life long journey of personal development and growth. It's opening up a whole new world for me. Once I realized my passion of reaching out to others through writing I became a published author almost overnight. I've connected with like minded woman who are so in touch with their inner self's that it's mind boggling. Then I too start to try this mediating thing and yoga practice and visualizing my dreams that all these woman were incouraging me to do. The next thing I know I"m beginning to feel this cool good feeling in me at all times.

Because I'm enjoying this feelings so much, I begin to read more and more, and more personal growth books. I found Wayne Dyer and Jack Canfield. the Secret, Abraham, aspire mag. and Hay House Radio and I start thinking, I want to receive messages too. I believe that anyone can receive messages. I believe everything these experienced people are telling me and all of the sudden one day I begin to write and journal my thoughts and I worked out all the noise in my head, which I now new was my "drunk monkey" of trained behavior that you should always be thinking and talking instead of just "being". I kept practicing quieting the noise and I began to hear words that I didn't create. It feels like they come from the back of my neck and base of my head. it's a cool and interesting thing. I know it's not me and sometimes when I read the messages back I feel like I'm reading them for the first time even though I witnessed the writings. It's very interesting. But up until this point I've only shared this with my husband.

Finally, I attend a Love, Light, and Laughter seminar through aspire magazine where I connected with 300 hundred other woman, whom are messagers and receivers of the spirits and angels and their vibrations are so high, that an amazing thing happened to me. I realized that I"m not crazy, this really is truly happening to me, which by the way I wanted!

Now I want to share these messages in case they help other woman. I"m really new at this so at times you'll hear them reassuring me that I"m not crazy, which is kind of funny now.

So anyway long story gone longer, I thought I would use blogging to journal and share these messages for all those who seek this shall find it.

Please share through comments if you too are on this amazing journey of finding your "I am" in you.


The Morning Walk

I love being by the water. As I sit here by the river only a stone throw from my house I feel at one with nature. I can hear the birds singing and the river running. The sun is shining down lightly on my face. There is a cool breeze and a blue sky.

When I awoke this morning I could feel the glory of the day unfolding. I couldn't wait to get to the river to see the beauty. I didn't even get dressed or comb my hair. I just threw my shoes on and off I went at 7am.

I find myself questioning so many things in life, history and spirit realms as I sit by the river. I'm trying to make sense of all the perceptions of reality. Well I guess I just answered myself, because it's only perceptions after all, there are so many differences of opinions. I need to decide what I believe and stick to it.

okay, i can feel the spirits wanting to share: what say you?

The world is large and out of balance. Famine Divine is needed to balance the earth. Your world is so focused on Male Divine that it remains out of balance.

my question to spirit - "Are you Famine Spirit?" yes and no

We are all one spirit. we speak as one.

my question to spirit - "Why Choose the name Seth to come through me?"
because you chose it. if was the word you needed to know who we are, you are not crazy.

my questions to spirit - "So is the name Seth related to The DaVinci Code movie I watched last night?" yes and no
The movie you watched last night was made by man and mans reality, yes there was a child human named Seth born of Jesus man and Mary woman.

Jesus was a messenger of love as you are. What humans did with the message was their choice. There is no wrong or right. Death is not an ending as you think. Killing Jesus did not end the message. Mary too was a messenger of love, she continued to receive messages after the death of Jesus.

Humans chose to believe what they wish. We do not care so much about what they believe as much as how they feel about things in energy and vibrations. To find balance in a vibrational world you need both sexes male and female.

my question to spirit - "Why does that matter for vibration?"

Because love is the balancer. You need to work and live with love & joy to have happiness and to keep the world evolving and moving forward for the collective consciousness. You need both male and female counter parts.

There is all things you think about in the world. Chose your thoughts wisely.

The past does not serve you now, but your spirit energy has been a healer, teacher for your whole existence. We love you and your continued rebirth and rediscovery of who you are.
Each time you are getting faster and faster with your discovery. we enjoy your unfolding. We play together.

My response - "I'm glad you are finding fun. I'm grateful to have found you. Now that I've discovered who I am, what role shall I play now?"

You are healer, teacher still. We will show you the way. Now is time for learning and sharpening your skills. You will be much needed soon. The famine divine is needing support, you shall run the movement for all consciousness forward in love.
go now, walk a bit.

So I stopped and went for a refreshing and meditative walk.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Conversations with the Angels

I was sitting in the car on this beautiful sunny day when the conversations became to flow through me. It' s interesting because I never planned to purchase a new journal today, but I did. I was in Staples on the phone with a client, and as I was waiting to finish my conversation so I could speak to the lady in the copy center. I began to look at the notebooks and journals. I spotted one that caught my eye and before I knew it, it was in my hand and on the counter to be paid for.

When I arrived for my afternoon appointment early, I had an inspirited thought to write in my new journal and after a few mediation breaths here's what happened.

My hand began to move and thoughts came from somewhere else and I began to write the following:

We are here to serve you. We enjoy playing with you. You are one of us. Your name is feather. You like to fly and sore above the clouds, your spirit is light & fun. Don't weigh it down with humans. You are light. You are pleasure.
The world is plentiful. There is much to go around and share. We love to laugh and share.
We understand this is new for you, just relax and let us lead you. This is not new for us and really not so new for you as "Feather". Your meant to float. You are a floater. Don't by shy. Let us flow. You will not fall. You know how to fly.

You mean the world to us. Our spirits are connected and we've been waiting for you join us in the physical and spiritual realms.

We will guide you. go now!

So, I was feeling a little enlighten and nervous that I might be crazy. But I thanked the messager anyway and wrote a little note about how I don't think I'm a feather because I'm afraid of heights. and then my hand had a lot to say about that:

You are not crazy, crazy does, crazy is not "is"!

I was thinking when this message came through, of whom might this be from and here's what came next:

I'm here, Seth, this was I.

Soring is not the same for us as it is for you. Your thinking of physical laws of gravity. We do not think in these terms. We think in terms of energy and you fly at good levels of energy and are receiving your desires. your hearts desires. you have called us and we are here. We want to be here, there is much to share and say to the physical world. All those that listen will be called and will come forth. We do not force and only come when asked. We invite you to share this message. You chose us and we except the connection and are ready to share. you don't need to know just listen and practice what we share. You are well and knowing of what we are, you may share, with us too.

what say you?

I wrote my own notes of - "I would like to ask, how do I release the nervous energy around me?"

Seth - "Just release it, it is not hard. you just say it is , so it is, just decide and release. good things are coming for you. Release is coming. Get ready for change.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Blogger Buzz: So long, and thanks for all the zen!

Blogger Buzz: So long, and thanks for all the zen!

Is anybody out there

Hi All,

I had such a great time talking to so many other spiritual women and the Love and Laughter event, I've been wishing I could have access to share with spiritual women all the time, night or day. So I'm throwing this to the wind. Is there any women out there that would like to share their spiritual thoughts, dreams, goals, ideas with me online and maybe we could support each other through our transformations? Please add comments if you'd like to share. Thanks

Light, Love & Laughter Event

I just attended the best inspiritual event EVER! I had an angel reading, reiki session, and attended many workshops on getting to know myself and my angels. It was amazing. I've been on cloud nine since I have returned. There were about 300 women there all seeking the same thing;inner peace and love! Like I said it was amazing. I met so many great women with great experiences to share. The event was put on by aspire mag. and boy did Linda Joy the publisher put on an great event. Everything went smoothly, nothing was out of place and everyone was happy. I met a lot of great speakers and was introduced to my spirit guides of whom I'm sure you'll hear a lot from now. :-) It really inspired me to continue to write about what I love, the universe!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Are You A Universalist too?

The world as I knew it came to a streaking halt a few months ago, and I’m so grateful today that it did. I had just changed careers, or should I say I stopped working for someone else and went to work for myself. This was when the unexpected happened. I was so excited to become a Realtor and I thought “I can do this, but I have a lot to learn. I need to educate myself and develop sales skills.” This meant I needed to figure out what qualities I already had that I could tap into to be a great salesperson, boy I had no idea what I was in for. So, I began asking questions and hanging around successful Realtor’s, trying my best to train myself. When one day one of the loan officers from the neighboring mortgage company came in raving about this new book she saw on Oprah, called the “Secret.” She went on and on about how it can change your life and inspire you to be a better person and get all the things you want in life. Well, being in this personal/training/ learning curve I was on, I ran right out a bought it, not knowing just how significant this book would be in my life. To say the least it changed everything! I bought the un-bridged version book on CD read by the author Rhonda Byrne. In the first five minutes I thought I was entering into another world. I was in awe. I don’t remember what exactly she said, because it wasn’t as much what she said that was important, as how she said it. It was like a light bulb going off in my head for the first time. I’m responsible for my own life? This was whole new concept for me. You mean to tell me; my dysfunctional life was my fault? Part of me was saying Halleluiah! While the other part was saying, I would never create this for myself. This “Awakening” as I like to call it has really brought a lot of things to the fore front. I discovered through more research of the teachings of Abraham by Jerry and Ester Hicks that I didn’t intentionally create this for myself (thank God), but I was indeed the one responsible. By not intentionally setting a path for myself; my life has been running on “auto-pilot” and I’ve been blaming anyone and everyone for what’s happened to me thus far. I’ve been playing the victim most of my life and wanting everyone around me to feel bad for me. When in realty I’ve been the abuser. I’ve been self-sabotaging my own success. WOW! See what I mean by “Awakening?” Can you relate?
Everything was beginning to come together with my new “awakening” and my quest to be a successful business owner. I began to question “How can I be a successful Realtor and business owner when I’ve be self-sabotaging myself in all other areas of my life” then the statement from Tony Robins made a world of sense all the sudden – “You have to BE before you can HAVE!
DUH! Light bulbs again!
So here I am in this huge arena of personal development and a real estate career that is really beginning to explode (yes, even in a declining market). I now believe it’s not the external conditions of our society that makes a successful person; it’s the goods on the inside. And we all were born with all the tools necessary to create our own world, with our number one universal goal of joy and love.
Now, that I’m on this path so many great things have been flowing into my life almost like magic and I’m filled with so much I want to share with others that are on this same path of “awakening.”