Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Conversations with the Angels

I was sitting in the car on this beautiful sunny day when the conversations became to flow through me. It' s interesting because I never planned to purchase a new journal today, but I did. I was in Staples on the phone with a client, and as I was waiting to finish my conversation so I could speak to the lady in the copy center. I began to look at the notebooks and journals. I spotted one that caught my eye and before I knew it, it was in my hand and on the counter to be paid for.

When I arrived for my afternoon appointment early, I had an inspirited thought to write in my new journal and after a few mediation breaths here's what happened.

My hand began to move and thoughts came from somewhere else and I began to write the following:

We are here to serve you. We enjoy playing with you. You are one of us. Your name is feather. You like to fly and sore above the clouds, your spirit is light & fun. Don't weigh it down with humans. You are light. You are pleasure.
The world is plentiful. There is much to go around and share. We love to laugh and share.
We understand this is new for you, just relax and let us lead you. This is not new for us and really not so new for you as "Feather". Your meant to float. You are a floater. Don't by shy. Let us flow. You will not fall. You know how to fly.

You mean the world to us. Our spirits are connected and we've been waiting for you join us in the physical and spiritual realms.

We will guide you. go now!

So, I was feeling a little enlighten and nervous that I might be crazy. But I thanked the messager anyway and wrote a little note about how I don't think I'm a feather because I'm afraid of heights. and then my hand had a lot to say about that:

You are not crazy, crazy does, crazy is not "is"!

I was thinking when this message came through, of whom might this be from and here's what came next:

I'm here, Seth, this was I.

Soring is not the same for us as it is for you. Your thinking of physical laws of gravity. We do not think in these terms. We think in terms of energy and you fly at good levels of energy and are receiving your desires. your hearts desires. you have called us and we are here. We want to be here, there is much to share and say to the physical world. All those that listen will be called and will come forth. We do not force and only come when asked. We invite you to share this message. You chose us and we except the connection and are ready to share. you don't need to know just listen and practice what we share. You are well and knowing of what we are, you may share, with us too.

what say you?

I wrote my own notes of - "I would like to ask, how do I release the nervous energy around me?"

Seth - "Just release it, it is not hard. you just say it is , so it is, just decide and release. good things are coming for you. Release is coming. Get ready for change.

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